Naples United Church of Christ

Maundy Thursday - March 28, 2024

Words of Welcome
Rev. Dr. Mark Williams & Rev. Angela Wells-Bean

Call to Worship
Rev. Dr. Mark Williams & Rev. Angela Wells-Bean

Opening Prayer
Rev. Angela Wells-Bean

Scripture 1 Corinthians 1:18
Rev. Angela Wells-Bean

Homily: "Ugly Hope"
Rev. Dr. Mark Williams

Shadow of Betrayal
Roberta Buckley

Shadow of Desertion
Kathy Book

Agony of the Soul
Susan Hansen

Unshared Vigil
Candy Nordland

"Father, the hour is come"
Bob Nordland

"That they may all be one"
Jean Lemmon

Shadow of the Cross
Rev. Angela Wells-Bean

Cry of Dereliction
Rev. Dr. Mark Williams

Were You There
Ford Ferrara

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